The moderator’s area
The moderator’s area is where the teacher or facilitator observes and factilitates the game. All relevant information and functions are gathered here. Assign participants to roles, manage the flow of the game’s phases, trace activities, start polls, present voting results, and much more.
Role distribution
The moderator can assign participants to in-game roles before a game starts, and change the assignment during the game. Additional participants can enter a running game at any time. Senaryon always selects the optimal role configuration for the group’s size.
Flow of the game
A game consists of multiple phases, which structure its progress and progressively enable, depending on the game format, new functions and areas for the participants. The phases' duration can be managed in the moderator’s area. Games can also be üaused, and picked up at a later time.
Trace activities
The participants' actions are displayed in the moderator’s area in real time. Be it chat messages, submitted drafts, published press releases, enacted measures, completed tasks — all results are visible to the moderator in an easy-to-grasp fashion.
The tasks' completion state shows show far the participants have already progressed through the game. Tasks can also be submitted with a written answer, which can be feedbacked and graded by the moderator.
Facilitate the game
Several in-game actions can be revoked by the moderator, e.g. the submitting of drafts or publishing of press releases. The moderator can also contact individual participants or the whole group at once.
Ergebnisse präsentieren
Vor allem für Durchführungen vor Ort interessant: manche Ergebnisse können auf einem Beamer oder Whiteboard in einer eigenen Ansicht dargestellt werden. So lassen sich z. B. eine Abstimmung live mitverfolgen, ein Nachrichtenticker mit dem aktuellen Spielstand anzeigen, oder Ergebnisse einer Umfrage gemeinsam besprechen.
Present results
The projector view enables the moderator to display in-game results in a version specially optimized for presentation. This way, all participants can observe a running vote, stay informed about the game’s progress via a news feed, or reflect on a survey’s results.